6 NEW SCHNOODLES BORN 11/8/24 5 males 1 female
We raised Dazzel from a 9 week old puppy and could not be more proud of her and what she adds to our kennel. Dazzle is such a special gal and has added so much to our schnoodle program. Dazzel has such a loving yet alert personality. We have bred her to Einstein who is just the perfect match with her to produce a stellar litter of Schnoodles that should range in the 11 to 15 Lb range. This is their first litter together so the size range we have posted is what we expect from these two. Dazzle has such a fun personality and just loves to play in the yard with the other toy poodles and schnauzers. She is such a clown and loves to explore and is a champ at rooting her nose in the dirt. You can read more about Einstein on the parents page.
Schnoodles in this litter are $2150 This litter will be large toy to small Mini
If you would like to be on her waiting list please just test me your name, address and cell # along with the mother’s name you would like to be placed on. Also please include your cell # on list text so I can print it off and put your request in her folder.
SOLD – Katy Molison – BlueMerle Male – Microchip # 2022
SOLD – Fran & Sharon Party merle male – Microchip # 2033
SOLD – Joshua Dunkelman – Fancy dark chocolate MALE – Microchip # 2031
Sales tax for Licking county Ohio is 7.25% Sales tax is calculated on the purchase price of the puppy. If puppy comes to you by nanny service there is no sales tax. If you are having your puppy delivered there is no sales tax
We do ask for a deposit to hold your spot until the litter is born. Picks of each litter is done in the order you are on the list. If there is nothing in this litter when it is your turn to pick I just return your deposit.
Deposits are $400 if paying or Zelle ( my Zelle acct is my cell # 740-670-3971, My name (Cathy Grandstaff ) does have to be in your contacts to be able to send a Zelle payment to me.
I do take Personal check for deposit only is $400 I do not take personal checks for final payments. 12182 Bruce Rd, Utica OH 43080
$416 if paid by credit card, through PayPal (there is a 4% fee ($16) for credit cards or PayPal). PayPal account is my email address puppy@windyhillkennel.com.
We are now also using flight Nanny’s and ground transport for puppies deliveries. We have been using all 3 of the nanny’s below for the last 2 and a half years to get your puppy to you safely and quickly. Please feel free to call them for prices and delivery dates. I recommend any of them they are all great!! Also remember if you would like to fly in and have me meet you at the airport I am always glad to do that also. Our Airport is John Glen International CMH is the airport code.
Ground Transport / or flight Lisa Lowery (234) 301-8397
Ground / Flight Lacy Wolford (740) 755-9597
Puppies are sold with natural ears. Tails and dew claws are done at 4 days old!
Spay or Neuter is not included in the price of our toy size Schnoodles or Schnauzers. It is best for toy size to wait until at least 5 to 7 months depending on their size. Toy size puppies may stay with us a littler longer than 8 weeks if we feel they need more time to make sure they are eating well. We want to make sure they are weaned a litter slower and are on a great feeding schedule before we let them go to their new forever homes. Usually our tiny kids go home between 8.5 to 10 weeks old, and it could be sooner just depends on their size! Normal size puppies start going home about 8 to 9 weeks old
Full 2-year written total genetic guarantee
Puppies leave us with age-appropriate shots and wormings along with a full health record for your veterinarian.
All projected sizes of puppies are just that. We try to gauge sizes that these parents usually produce but in the end Mother Nature will have the final say.
When you come to pick up your puppy any questions that were not answered on the video’s we send you before it is time to pick up your puppy, please jot them down and bring those with you and we will be more than glad to help you with any questions you may still have.
Puppies leave us with pig ear, bell training bell, a stuffed toy that the whole litter has been playing with so they have a sent toy to take home with them.
We Feed Nutra Source to all our puppies & have plenty of dog food available when you are here if you wish to purchase a bag of our food to take home, that your puppy has been eating. You can see a video tour of our kennels on the about us link at the top of the web site next to the home link. You will find them at the bottom of that page under the information section.
Please be sure the puppy you pick is the one you want as there is no refund on deposits after the deposit is in and the puppy you have chosen has been moved to the sold page. This deposit signifies intent on the behalf of the purchaser to follow through with the purchase transaction of the puppy that they have chosen. If you see another litter come up and want to change puppies I do not refund the deposit on the first puppy
Starting on the first day of the 10th week if puppies are not picked up we charge $15 a day to board them.