Windy Hill’s Avery – Toy Poodle 8 Lb 6 oz


Avery was born here and is a full sister to Carmel and Shasta.  Their father was Mickey who can be seen on the parent’s page.  All 3 of these sisters are like pea’s in a pod.  They have fabulous dispositions!  They play will with all our little days and truly enjoy getting to play together every chance they get out in the play yard.  Cricket their mother was just a joy to have and I know the family that has her is super happy with her.  Avery is just about smaller than her sisters but has no problem trying to out run them around the play yard.  We will probably not have a litter from her in 2024 but she should have a later winter to early spring litter in 2025.  We will post her on the expected litter page once she is bred.  

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